QUECHUA (ケシュア) 登山・スノーハイキング シューズ ミドルカット X-WARM SH 500 防寒・防水 保温 - レディース
Rubber sole with strips of studs to improve grip
- 100% Praline Flavour
- 20% Cellulose - Sustainable Wood Fiber
- 30% ポリエステル
- 50% 牛革
- 100% ポリエステル
ラボテストで、最適な不透過性を確認しています。 まず、水中に沈めた靴の内部に空気圧をかけ、表面に気泡が形成されないかを検査します。次に、靴をロボットアームに装着し、水に半分浸かった状態での歩行を再現します。その後、内部が完全に乾いた状態を保っているか確認しています。ラボテストは、実際の使用条件でのフィールドテストとエイジングテストで完了します。
防水性テストでは、防水性が3段階で評価されます: 屈曲回数2 000回(約4kmの歩行に相当)、屈曲回数4 000回(約8kmの歩行に相当)、屈曲回数8 000回(約16kmの歩行に相当)。
Breathable boots for optimal thermal comfort
Thermal comfort is a balance between the warmth of the boots and its ability to let the foot breathe. Too much heat or not enough breathability means that damp accumulates and cold can set in. We have designed your shoes with your regular and at times intense activity in mind, with a membrane which prevents water ingress and lets damp out.
What is the difference between traction and grip?
The traction of the boots depends on the number and shape of the studs. The grip is dependent on the materials of the sole and the tread pattern, like the tyres of your car. Traction optimises propulsion, prevents the boot from slipping backwards when going uphill and stabilises the boot.Grip prevents the boot from slipping and skidding on smooth ground or in demanding conditions (rain, snow, ice) by giving the sole grip.
Which type of grip and traction does this boot provide?
Equipped with SNOWCONTACT soles, your shoes are designed for maximum grip comfort for hiking and traction on snow. The location and height of the studs (4mm) is inspired by lynx feet and are spaced strategically for optimal grip when hiking on snow on steep terrain. The surface and layout of the studs are designed to perfectly grip the layer of hard snow and evacuate excess water to avoid slipping.
Why is it important to be well supported in a hiking shoe?
The support provided by your shoe is essential for your comfort when walking. Indeed, good support optimises your steps on hilly terrain (ascent and descent), prevents your foot from sliding in the shoe and reduces the occurrence of blisters. There is less loss in the transmission of your energy to the shoe and therefore less fatigue. This is especially important when you are snowshoeing.
Will your boots withstand regular use over the long-term?
Our engineers conduct laboratory tests to ensure that the product fully complies with your satisfaction in use. Our verifications include the following elements: tearing eyelets and straps, gluing, toxicology, UV resistance, abrasion resistance of outsole and upper components, accelerated ageing.
Why choose a leather snow hiking shoe?
Leather is ultra-comfortable, durable (natural material) and flexible for greater comfort.This material is waterproof and naturally breathable.Warm in winter and cool in mid-season, the leather naturally regulates the boot temperature.We advise you to brush your shoes well (soft brush) to maintain them and maximise their longevity.
How do I choose the right footwear for snow hiking?
To gear up in the winter, we recommend you follow the following principles :Warmth: warmth provided by a warm pair of socks (ideally containing a suitable percentage of wool)Breathability: Choose the sock according to the intensity of the hike and make sure you wear a breathable model to minimise moisture.Boot height: adapt the height of the sock to the height of the upper and preferably choose high models if you want more protection.
How to preserve the technical qualities of my boots?
A fabric's water repellent property is its capacity to make water run off its surface without seeping in. As a result, the fabric does not soak up water & stays light, breathable & warm. The water repellent property is achieved by treating the fabric's exterior. This treatment needs to be renewed during the lifetime of the garment. Products (spray or liquid) for this purpose are available in our stores.
How to dry the inside of your shoe.
In use, the boot can become damp (condensation and perspiration)If the boot is very wet, we advise you to remove the insole, fill the upper with newspaper balls and change them regularly. The paper will pump out moisture and speed up drying.Never put the shoes too close to a heat source, but leave them in a warm, dry and ventilated place.
Because we are aware that we must act to preserve our playground, Quechua is committed to limiting the environmental impact of its products.Today, this product is not eco-designed, but we work every day to make it more responsible: eco-design, reparability and durability at the heart of our development process.
Utilisée pour du semi…
Confortable et solide
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